Monday, September 30, 2019

Parental Control: Toddlers and Tiaras Abuse Essay

The TV show Toddlers and Tiaras encourages child abuse. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary abuse is: â€Å"improper or excessive use or treatment.† Toddlers and Tiaras is a show based on mothers using their children and treating them like dolls instead of humans. The tiny tots on this show have become famous for their scandalous outfits and routines. We cannot blame the children as many of them are too young to understand the negative responses. From a young age these children are being exposed to an overly sexualized media and then encouraged to participate in it. These girls spend each weekend and most of every day either preparing for or competing in competitions that they may not want to be a part of. They don’t have a say in whether or not they want to compete and often times their mother are the ones pushing them into pageants. The show starts with an introduction to the families that are chosen for this particular week. Each family is filmed in their own home and they take the viewer through their pageant routine. This episode starts with a mother saying, â€Å"I didn’t get to do this stuff when I was little so I think I am living my dreams through my daughter.† The daughter then says, â€Å"I like pageants because my mamma says so.† The mother is taking away her daughter’s freedom of choosing an activity that she enjoys. For a show titled about the children, the mothers get most of the attention. After home tours the families show off their pageant attire. One family even showed the dress fitting for their newest gown. Some of the most disturbing parts of Toddlers and Tiaras are the promiscuous costumes, which include: a mother dressing her daughter, Maddy, as Dolly Parton, complete with fake â€Å"assets,† or two-year-old Mia complete with Madonna’s cone bra, and finally three-year-old Paisley as the prostitute Vivian Ward in Pretty Woman. Paisley wore kne e-high black leather boots and a revealing top and skirt and pranced around the stage as people simultaneously clapped and looked on in horror. Spray tan and fake eyelashes are one thing but once you dress your kid as an iconic prostitute even Julia Roberts would be appalled. These children don’t know who most of the people that they are portraying are. Their mothers on the other hand know exactly who they are and how people will react to a certain costume. They are setting their children up to have a bad reputation. At three years old these innocent girls are being brought into the spot light by their selfish mothers. However, it is eight-year-old Britney who takes the cake when it comes to being â€Å"over-sexualized.†She receives regular Botox injections from her mother before pageants. Are these parents really worried about wrinkles on the face of a girl that doesn’t even have acne yet? When did it become socially acceptable for toddlers to look and act like a twenty, thirty or even forty-year-old woman? Most every little girl wants to feel like a princess, but I doubt any of them want to be a prosti tute, nor do they know what a prostitute is. Even when the outfits are age appropriate, the children never have a say in choosing their attire. A contestant locked herself in the bathroom because she refused to wear a certain dress. These parents spend hundreds of dollars on these dresses; the children should at least enjoy wearing them. Children should be playing with dolls not being one. These children have no say in what they are doing. They are being led by parents that force them into costumes and parade them on stage for their own enjoyment. These parents are in it to win it, whether or not their child wants to compete is another story. They are so focused on using their children to accomplish their own goals that they often end up forcing their child to compete. Along with showing their glamorous wardrobe the families bring the viewer along to the salon for the next step in preparing for a pageant. In preparation for these sleazy outfits, the children are put through a grooming ritual many adults have never braved. This includes spray tanning, buying fake teeth, known as flippers in the pageant world, hair extensions, manicures, waxing and pounds of makeup. One mom went as far as forcing her screaming five year old into getting her eyebrows waxed. This was not her first experience with waxing; she had her skin ripped off during a previous session. This mother saw beauty as being more important than her own daughters comfort. Two pageant moms admitted that they make their daughters follow strict diets of 1600 calories per day. Forcing children into diets when they are already at a healthy weight can cause those children to turn to eating disorders later in life. â€Å"You don’t get as good of a score if your dress doesn’t fit good,† says the mother of 8-year-old contestant, Ever Rose. It is one thing to teach your child healthy eating but when the sole reason is to fit into a certain size dress it has gone too far. Children are growing and as they age they will need larger clothing. Another mom decided to dye her daughter’s eyelashes. Even after her daughter begged her to stop because her eyes were burning the mother insisted on continuing the process. She gave her daughter a chemical burn that could have blinded her but she looked past that just to make sure her child was beautiful. When appearance comes second to safety there is a real issue. Most grown women don’t dye their eyelashes so why would you dye a 9-year-olds? This same mom also bleached her children’s teeth. The worst part is that the dyeing and bleaching of children is all done under the same roof as the book â€Å"7 Worst things a Parent Can Do.† Clearly that book has never been opened. The pain that these children are put through for fifteen minutes on stage is just disgusting. They are being transformed into Barbie’s for their mothers to play with. These mother’s practically ruin their kids childhood, and for what, approval of their child’s beauty from three random people? The families are seen at the start of their pageant day with tired children’s hair in hot rollers and many tears on their faces. Parents like to call their children’s tantrums â€Å"Diva Moments.† These children are tired and are in no mood to sit still in a chair for an hour to get their hair pulled and their faces pressed wi th makeup. The children are sent into hair and make-up that can take up to three hours. â€Å"For children as young as the age of one to be forced to sit still for such great lengths borders on child abuse as parents do not take into account the welfare of their children†(Nussbaum). A significant part of their day is spent on preparation. After each outfit they must change their hair style and touch up make-up which is another hour at least. After their competition routines are finished they change back into their formal gowns, which also includes a hair change and yet another round of make-up for crowning. These children are on stage for all of fifteen minutes the whole day but endure hours of hair pulling and make-up application. During pageants, these kids are still just kids and their parent should realize this. In return to their children’s tantrums these parents scold their kids. A child who is crying because she is tired gets yelled at for being uncooperative. A child acting out because they are exhausted and uncomfortable is a natural instinct, so why would it be any different when they are in a pageant? The most appalling part is that the tantrums don’t just stem from tired tots. The mothers can be added into the mix. One mother threw her daughter’s crown across the room after she won princess. She cursed and said it was a joke; being princess was equivalent to losing. Rather than supporting her daughter and showing her how proud she was, she stole her daughter’s prize and gave her a lesson on how not to behave. I can’t think of any worse punishment then telling your child they weren’t good enough after they just completed something they didn’t even want to do. To avoid these meltdowns during the pageant, the mothers have resorted to giving their children â€Å"go go juice† and â€Å"pageant crack.† Go go juice is anything from soda to energy drinks such as Red Bull and pageant crack is pure sugar. â€Å"Additional calories from energy-drink consumption may increase blood pressure, blood glucose levels, BMI, calcium deficiency, dental problems, depression, and low self-esteem. Sugar and caffeine may also synergistically increase postprandial hyperglycemia, which is of concern for children with diabetes† (Gamble). These children that are already being judged on appearance are being given a substance that may cause depression and low self-esteem. Talk about adding fuel to the flame. Many moms use pixie sticks to boost their child’s energy level during competition. Everyone gets tired but is filling your child with sugar really the best way to get them to perform? They have their worst moments televised for the world to see. What mother would allow such embarrassment for their child? Even if the child was just having an off day, all the viewers see the child as a spoiled brat. Their reputation is tarnished by their parents, and they are too young to even realize it. Over the course of the pageant, many phrases such as, â€Å"don’t you dare embarrass me,† can be heard. As contestants and parents wait in the wings the children are reminded of how they should perform. When a child starts to cause a scene backstage the parents become more concerned with their own embarrassment instead of the child’s needs. The child is told to do well for their mamma, and then they are pushed onstage to compete. They are not only vying for the judge’s approval but also for their parents’. Once onstage, the children do their routines while their families stands in front of the stage showing them what their next move is. The routine is more about how well they can copy their mother instead of showing off their own talents. Once again, the mothers are using their children so that they can stand out. Most parents feel that their child is a reflection of themselves, but when they do everything in your power to create a reflection it has gone too far. They have crossed the line of shaping your child into a respectful and kind human being and turned them into clones. These mothers mold their children so that everyone will see their child as a replica of them. As crowning starts tensions are high. Mothers sit anxiously in the audience while their children wait stone faced. Once onstage, the confusion begins. For the first round the goal is not to get called, meaning you are eligible for a higher title. If the child is not called, then the waiting game starts again. The parents stare at the stage waiting for their child’s name to be called so that they can collect the trophy that they have worked so hard for. The children seem delighted with their prize, but the parents are almost disappointed that they didn’t win the top title. Why can’t these parents be content that their child is happy rather than be upset that they didn’t get the award that they wanted? These mothers are using their children so that they can feel like they accomplished something. They do pageants for themselves and are unable of focusing on their child’s enjoyment. When the child loses the parents vow to spend more money on coaching and better dresses. They keep trying to push a square peg in a round hole instead of finding an activity their child can excel at. They refuse to let their child be who they want to be, which is damaging to the child and may cause issues as the child ages. They have no appreciation for anything other than physical beauty and have a false sense of identity. The need for the child to win this particular competition is incredible. Why don’t the parents just spend more time with their child? Let the child find out what they enjoy instead of sculpting them into something they will never be. This would be more affective than simply finding a new activity, because it would allow the child to explore and feel in control of their life. After the pageant is over what happens? Many children will face psychological problems which may grow into disorders as they age. In a study done by Anna Wonderlich, it was discovered that there was, â€Å"a significant association between childhood beauty pageant participation and increased body dissatisfaction, difficulty trusting interpersonal relationships, and greater impulsive behaviors, and indicate a trend toward increase feelings of ineffectiveness† (Wnderlich,296). These children grow up in an atmosphere where superficial is the new normal. They add so many fake items to make themselves acceptable for a pageant that it may lead to fake items being used to create a false identity. They make a connection between beauty and winning. There is a sense that beauty is how you get what you want. There is so much pressure put on these children to perform that they equate performance to how they should act all of the time. The line between role playing and identity becomes blurred and the pageant reputation wins out when choosing how to behave. They are constantly around competitive mothers and adopt a judgmental attitude towards the other competitors and towards people in general. Since they compete for most beautiful they may judge other people on their beauty. The winners of these competitions often feel superior in comparison to other people and this feeling of power over others can lead to bullying. These young girls contract self-esteem issues from the constant battle of trying to be the best. They are constantly reminded that they need to be the best and that they need to be better than the other girls to win. They may also feel inferior from not winning and think they cannot succeed in life because they can’t win a competition. Another problem is physically- based concept of beauty which has the possibility of turning girls to eating disorders to uphold that physical beauty. Depression may also arise because of the need to feel beautiful and not being able to fulfill that need. These pageants teach the competitors that there is only one mold of what is beautiful and that individuality is frowned upon. A unique sense of style or an odd talent is wrong. The girls are expected to conform to what is mainstream so that they can win. On top of the many mental games this competition puts children through they also form a dependency on others to make decisions for them. Since their mothers usually make all of the choices when they are younger they may grow up to be passive and submissive. This passiveness is not only for decision-making but they also look to their mothers to measure their worth as the judges do during pageants. These mothers are raising their children to have a hard time fitting into society. By not allowing these children to figure out how to do things for themselves they are enabling them and showing them that they don’t need to work out their own problems. Using the definition of abuse from Merriam Webster dictionary: â€Å"improper or excessive use or treatment,† it is clear Toddlers and Tiaras does encourage abuse. The parents on this show use their children to satisfy their own childhood dreams. They are pushing their children into a competition they are not capable of understanding and take away the crucial developmental stage of making friends and sharing toys. The children are so busy trying to beat out the other girls in their division that there is no way to develop a friendship. The children’s meltdowns are aired to the public and the parents are instilling a false sense of identity in their children. These children are being set up to fail because they missed out on most, if not all, of the key moments in childhood. Toddlers and Tiaras Captures the worst moments of the pageant world and highlights the most outrageous competitors and families. Nussbaum, Kareen. â€Å"Children and Beauty Pageants.† Children and Beauty Pageants. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2012. . Wonderlich, Anna. â€Å"Childhood Beauty Pageant Contestants: Associations with Adult Disordered Eating and Mental Health.† Eating Disorders 13.3 (2005): 291-301. Gamble, Kate. â€Å"Red Bull Gives Kids More than Wings.† Red Bull Gives Kids More than Wings. HCP Live, 16 Feb. 2011. Web. 01 Dec. 2012. . TLC: Toddlers and Tiaras

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Our National Duties

Once Martin Luther King said, â€Å"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly†. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan says that, â€Å"In this new era, people’s actions constantly-if often unwittingly-affect the lives of others living far away. Globalization offers great opportunities, but at present its benefits are very unevenly distributed while its costs are born by all. He emphasizes six shared values, which are of particular relevance to the new century: freedom, equity and solidarity, tolerance, non-violence, respect for nature and shared responsibility. The modern world is becoming smaller, highly integrated and technologically more advanced. It is also becoming highly fragmented, less peaceful and unsafe for both present and future generations. Spectacular advances in science and technology over the last five decades have revolutionized the entire world. Investments in research and development have resulted in innovations and inventions in both product and factor markets. The benefits of these advancements however, have yet to reach the poor living in many countries across the world. Poverty is on the increase and we are sitting on millions of human landmines. The world today is passing through an environment full of tensions, violence, declining values, injustice, reduced tolerance and respect for human rights. The gun culture has already taken a dominant position in most of the developing countries, threatening the future of the youth who deserve a peaceful and better quality of life. There is a greater need to create a culture of Youth Leadership in society through an active participation of youth in civic activities. Adult leaders, parliamentarians and policymakers at community, municipality, state, national and international levels should agree that they are responsible for ensuring that the 21st century is characterized as a century of Youth Leadership. The world today is indeed in search of a new culture and a common system of values and new behavioral patterns for individuals, groups and nations, because, without them, the major problems of international and internal peace cannot be solved. The replacement of the existing culture of violence by a culture of peace can only be achieved in a longer perspective. In a period of transition and accelerated change marked by the expression of intolerance, manifestation of racial and ethnic hatred, violence towards those regarded as â€Å"others† and the growing disparities between the rich and the poor. Action strategies must aim at ensuring fundamental freedom, peace, human rights, and democracy and at promoting sustainable and equitable economic and social development all of which have an essential part to play in building a culture of peace. What do we expect from the youth with the creation of the culture of peace? The youth with their new ideas, new energy and neutral background, can contribute to peace development. They are ready to participate in community work. Youth should be treated as partners-partnership by youth in all social activities, of governance, community activities-should start in an active manner with the entry of the child into the golden age phase of 15 to 25 years. Youth should realize that they should not wait for the inheritance of the world; they must realize they have already inherited the world while entering into the golden age. Development of youth as productive citizens and peace workers could be a starting point for developing the peace culture. In the world today, one person in five is between the ages of 15 to 25, which is an accepted UN definition of the age that defines youth. There are altogether more than one billion youth, constituting a formidable force. About 85 percent live in developing countries with 60 percent in Asia, or about 800 million youth in the Asian region. Moreover, two thirds of these youth are growing in countries, which have extremely low per capita incomes (PCIs), below the PCI of $700 per annum. The needs and aspirations of young people are still mostly unmet. The youth employment and livelihood problem is particularly acute and growing in the developing countries while the bulk of corporate resources are controlled by developed countries. Moreover, action on youth employment and livelihood remain poorly defined. Poverty breeds an environment, which encourages social deviations like drug-addiction, excessive smoking, alcoholism, and tendencies towards suicide. Most problems among youth in developing countries are nurtured by their perception of an uncertain and unstable future. However, one thing is clear among all youth: that they want to make something of them, and to sustain the value of family solidarity. Today’s youth are often skeptical about adult leaders and they may express the desire to participate in society through volunteer work but not in politics. Alienated youth, particularly when they form a large proportion of the population, will turn their energy to drugs, crime, violence and even revolution. Unengaged youth represent a wasted economic resource. Youth of today is in search of its identity. They are less inclined towards conflicts and wars unless external forces compel them to do so. International studies clearly indicate that today’s youth are concerned about issues relating to family, education and employment. The youth express their need for a sense of independence, competence and participation in the mainstreams of society. They should be perceived as key agents for social change, including peace development, economic development and technological innovation. The paradox is that even as they represent societies’ greatest hope, they are a group who risk an uncertain and unstable future. How to involve these young men and women in building and designing their future, and the future of coming generations, is the key issue confronting the progress of our societies. The world today stands at a crossroad. However, the path of peace ahead remains clear for the world if we pursue three goals: firstly, a common vision of our future society anchored on peace; secondly, the core of shared values that animate our desires and preferences, grounds for peace which is acceptable to all religions, peoples, nations, families and communities, and hirdly, the power for united venture that brings people-empowered action for the attainment of a peace vision guided by the values we cherish. The peace factor must be used to resolve prime issues such as: (i) the persistent poverty of people, especially those in rural areas, (ii) the social injustice that continues to prevail in our societies and then often divisive and counter-productive ways of governance. The index to development, theref ore, must be human in dimension, content and lifestyle anchored on peace. In the case of the National Peace Development Policy for Youth, we must deviate from tradition and formulate policy with active participation of the youth. In this case, policy definition and strategy have to be applied flexibly by involving and energizing the youth right from the very start. It should not begin with elders and senior policy-makers and leaders, but take grassroots hold with the youth from day one. The youth must be empowered to find their own niche and roles in the totality of national development, and be the major force for peace development. All steps in the exercise should be taken in consultation with the different levels of participating youth from the national down to the state, district, municipal and village levels. Youth constitutes the richest wealth of a country. They develop quality of personal integrity, personal discipline and open mindedness. It is enriched further when they develop an open attitude and universal outlook. As youth is a period of passions, emotions, activity and vigor, they should be trained to combine enthusiasm with patience. Youth should develop an open attitude and universal outlook. This is the real empowerment of youth. Empowering or enabling is like a process similar to teaching and fishing. For preserving peace, youth must play a decisive role. Youth should be exposed to merit of tolerance and nonviolence. Youth should realize the importance of living together and should be responsible to defend the frontiers of peace and non-violence. This warrants the promotion of a new culture and thus a different mindset. Hence, a comprehensive rethinking is required in all walks of life with a total commitment to the issues of youth development. Educational experiences should be provided to youth with an objective to enhance their tolerance level and help them understand the merits of tolerance and respect for â€Å"otherness†. â€Å"Respecting the others† goes much farther than tolerance. Education must promote an aptitude of free inquiry, frank and vigorous discussion and willingness to work in teams. Education should teach the youth not only to tolerate differences but also to respect differences. In spiritual development, the youth can form a new phalanx of peace missionaries building up volunteers and NGO networks at the grassroots, concentrating on values education and spiritual renewal among children, women and the youth to reverse the process of family values in which traditionally, it is the elders who impose on the youth; this time it will be the young helping shape family values through dedicated youth peace missionaries. In the area of ethnic development, the youth of different ethnic groups can forge links between cultural minorities and popularize shared values, shared religious values, and shared cultures and traditions handed down from generation to generation. In political development, youth can be trained to form the cadre of youth animators to expose the rural poor to democratic processes and institutions, to consensus building and voting mechanics, to party and government platforms. In socio-economic development, the youth can join internship/training programs with agricultural, manufacturing, and service industries, sharpen their skills to become the forward-looking manpower needed by their countries to help their economies compete favorably against international competition. In political/government development, the youth can engage in internships in the parliamentary institutions, join in political awareness-building, reform political parties and remove the ugliness of partisan politics, and at the same time force reforms in the bureaucracy to ensure good governance, accountability, transparency, and citizenry participation. E-government strategy can effectively support such programs. In military affairs, the youth can become the country’s elite guards dedicated to patriotism, protection of children, women, oppressed and poor, and through collective vigilance and closeness with the people, provide the moral counterpart to the abuses of ambitious generals and military demagogues. Finally, in regional and international development, the youth can become peace ambassadors of their respective countries, promoting exchange programs in education, culture, science and echnology, sports and games, and in tourism promotions, to link all the youth of the region and the world in the pursuit and maintenance of peace and democracy. Youth Leadership activities cannot be confined to schools. They should be exposed to the real socio-political environment. That is missing today. In addition to peace development, these youth forums should, from time to time, include planning and implementation of environmental programs, family planning, information technology, health and sani tation, etc. Forum participants should focus on the benefits of peace, non-violence to strengthen tolerance through participation in community affairs, anniversaries in which all can participate thereby fostering a culture of peace and tolerance through a system of community education in order to promote respect and mutual understanding. The new millennium offers the world’s people a unique opportunity to reflect on their common destiny, at a moment when they find themselves interconnected as never before. In this New World, groups and individuals interact directly across frontiers more often, without involving the state. This also has its dangers in terms of crime, narcotics, terrorism, weapons, refugees and migrants; all move back and forth faster and in greater numbers than in the past. But new technologies also create opportunities for mutual understanding and common action. If we are to get the best out of globalization and modern technologies as well as avoid the worst, we must learn to govern better with emphasis on good governance and strengthening of civil society, and how to govern better together. People are looking to their leaders to identify and act on the challenges ahead. There is no denying the fact that youth are important asset of any nation, making up 800 million of Asia’s population. They should be the primary concern of political leaders, religious leaders, policy makers, planners, administrators and others interested in development including peace development. The youth are creative and innovative. They are in a better position to introduce new dimensions contributing to the current socio-political and economic dialogue, particularly in the area of peace development. Hence, the national governments should give priority to the UN declarations of National Peace Policies and Action Programs. Nations are underdeveloped for many reasons, but certainly the major reasons are inadequate leadership, and absence of youth participation. We must now look to the youth. The modern electronic media have an essential role to play in the preparation of youth in a spirit of peace, justice, freedom, mutual respect and understanding, in order to promote human rights, equality of rights between all human beings and all nations, and economic and social progress. Equally, they have an important role to play in making known the views and aspirations of the youth with special focus on good governance, transparency, tolerance and democracy. In the ultimate analysis, my dear fellow participants and youth leaders, I am sure that together we can lay the foundations of our shared future, together we can build bridges of love and tryst; and together we can help translate the dreams and visions espoused at hundreds of such conferences before this one. With hope, faith and courage, soon we shall be able to tell our elders that yes when given the chance to deliver, we have done and done it in style. At least, we would leave this world as a much better place to live than we had inherited. Times cry for action and action here and now. Mark Twain said this for you, me and all of us: â€Å"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the thing you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover†¦! †

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Greenway hotel Case Study Essay

1.0 Introduction Greenway hotel is a hotel chain of Great Britain, and there are more than 60 hotels in Britain. Now, Greenway hotel has a new small hotel chain headquarters in Germany, so they want to keep the half of the new hotel and renamed as Greenway part of the hotel group, the other half to sell. In order to have a better understanding of the Multinational Resourcing, we analyzed the Greenway hotel employees choose way. Multinational Resourcing is A procurement strategy in which a business seeks to find the most cost efficient location for manufacturing a product, even if the location is in a foreign country. (Virolainen, V. M. 1998). Under Multinational Resourcing, there are several strategies may use onto business environment as company direction to become competitive among industries such as Parent Country Nationals (PCNs),Host Country Nationals (HCNs) and Adopt a Mixed (PCNs + HCNs). 2.0 Problem According to the article, because the new hotel is acquired, so many employees have left, so new hotels lack of employees in Germany. As is known to all, Greenway hotel is the hotel chain from the UK, so for the German business perspective, their lack of understanding of German information and business culture. Due to work in Germany, the hotel also has a problem which is the communication between employees, German employees speak German, but Britain’s staffs are using English, hence, it will be difficult to communicate between employees, and produce some problems. Finally, the new hotel requires four months later will be opened, so short time is also a  problem. These problems are the multinational companies outside their home countries to establish subsidiary possible problems, to solve these problems, the company can better development in countries outside of the home country. 3.0 Cause of problem Case study showed that the old employees have departed, 70% due to buy so now, Greenway hotel requires a lot of new employees, just can make the new hotel can normal operation. Second, because of the new hotel is not in home, so they are facing the new management problem, German and British business environment different, in order to attract more guests, new hotels can’t expose more British management mode. Third, due to the new employees have German and British, this will lead to the problem of language, make it difficult to manage the company. Finally, the head office for the time is short, this could lead to a new company open is not ready, it will affect the company’s reputation. 4.0 Recommendation 4.1 Lack of staff Lack of staff that is every multinational enterprises expand when encounter problems. By buying companies, some employees may leave, because the company is not stable, it will make the new staff to reduce, so the new hotel need to recruit more staff. New employees should be good for Chinese people, I believe, is preferred, although this can make the home staff less employment opportunities, but this will be conducive to the development of the new hotel. McDonald’s, for example, McDonald’s in entering a new country, would face a lack of staff. So, they will recruit new employees, such ability can let a subsidiary functioning normally. McDonald’s choice of employees have their own ideas, grass-roots staff they generally choose the host state employees, but the manager will choose home staff, not only conducive to management, also can make the subsidiary can develop faster. So the Greenway hotel should study the staffs choose way, so that we can better development in host countries. 4.2 lack of understanding of German information and business culture Due to Greenway hotel is a British company, the German problem and business culture is not understand. Therefore, the company  cannot be accepted by most customers in Germany, may also than other local hotel, and also will reduce the hotel’s profit. Greenway hotel should hire a part of the German employees, because they know a lot about the domestic market, so , the hotel will be faster accepted by customers. Second, Greenway hotel should find some employees to do market research before the opening, so as to better understand customers’ needs and preferences of Germany. Moreover, the hotels decorate those who can’t accord the British model, to apply to Germany. Like McDonald’s into other countries, for example, they will do market research, according to local custom to produce some suitable for local food, so that we can attract more guests. Second, their grassroots employees can choose host countries, but in front of the work to practice, so as not to not understand the workings of a McDonald’s. Greenway hotel can also use this way, it can be faster understand German problem and the commercial culture, let the new company can be faster to Greenway hotel group to make a profit. 4.3 The communication between staff Because we choose is mixed way to recruit staff, so the employee communication will appear problem. British workers are speaking English, but German workers speak German, so they produce very big problems of communicating. We can use two methods to solve this problem. First, let the staff to learn German, arrange the tutorial, as soon as possible so that we can solve the problem of language. Second, can only by UK employees, top management of the underlying managers choose to master English German, grass-roots staff all adopt the German employees, so you can avoid the problem of language, but this method is less multinationals own characteristic .Now most multinational companies will choose the first method, because it not only to the home country employee job opportunities, but also can cooperate with host country staff, formed a new service mode, so that we can better attract customers and gain   higher profits for the company. 4.4 Preparation time is short From the article, we know that Lincoln company gave only four months as a time to prepare, it is a challenge for the new company. First, they want to recruit employees, because employees 70% have left before. Second, they want  to solve the problem of communication between employees, such ability can let the staff could work together. Third, because the two countries cultures are different. For these problems, 4 months of preparation time is very short, so, in order to know how to solve these problems, for example, McDonald’s when they set up shop in China is mainly for host countries, so that we can reduce the time of the staff. Second, after the good employees, McDonald’s will be paid to staff training, let employees can adapt to the new job. Third, it has carried on the western food, Chinese fast food market survey, listened to the general public opinion. This survey is not common in China at that time. Fourth, to a large number of design novel and unique with the characteristics of McDonald’s advertising create a market in China, this is off the Chinese consumers’ appetite. Greenway hotel can also learn the McDonald’s to enter the Chinese way, hiring and training in Germany, and in training to send staff do market research in advance, and assign to Germany for a development strategy, so as to let the hotel to the development of better, still can save time to prepare. 5.0 Conclusion Along with the deepening of economic globalization and the vigorous development of tourism industry, the multinational hotel group covers more than half of global hotel. Transnational expansion is the inevitable choice of hotel enterprises to seek greater development, global expansion has become the new century hotel enterprise important tourism economic phenomenon. Traditional research in the field of international expansion of hotel enterprises based on the basis of economics and management, and based on the research of geography foundation is weak. Hotel enterprises transnational expansion means that break through the border of a country or region, into another country or region development, this is like a strong geographical spatial properties. Hotel international expansion has become a trend. The expansion of the hotel will produce a lot of problems. So, find the ice can better to solve these problems for hotel development in host countries, bring more profits and business opportunities. References 1. A survey of procurement strategy development in industrial companies. International Journal of Production Economics, 56, 677-688 2. 5%AC%E5%8F%B8 3. 5%AC%E5%8F%B8

Friday, September 27, 2019

Perfect Competition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Perfect Competition - Essay Example A firm thus has to minimize its average costs during this time to enable it stays on the market under the prevailing competition. At the equilibrium point, marginal cost, price, short-run average total cost, and long-run average cost are all equal. Therefore, a firm in perfect competition in the long-run will not find any reason to change the quantity of its output (McEachern, 2014). Outside firms will not find any incentive to enter the industry since the existing firms are not earning the economic profit. In other words, all resources employed in this industry make their opportunity costs. Suppose firms in an industry A are gaining economic profits, hence higher return than companies in another industry B in the same economy. Therefore, businesses in Industry B are undergoing economic losses because they are not getting as much as they could in industry A. Some companies in industry B will hence exit to join industry A. The process will go on until firms in both industries are getting zero economic profit. Thus, entry of companies into an industry will reduce economic profits to null in the long-run. For example, radishes price is $0.40 per pound. Mr. John’s average total cost is $0.26 per pound at an output of 6,700 pounds of radishes a month. Each unit will, therefore, bring a profit of $0,14 ($).40-$0.26). Mr. John thus gets a monthly profit of $938 ($0.40x 6,700) as shown in panel (b). Firms will enter the radish industry as long as they can make economic profits (as long as price is more than average total cost (ATC) in panel (b)), the supply curve moves r ight and the price falls. Marginal Revenue goes down to MR2 as price reduces (Cukrowski & Aksen, 2003). Mr. John will have to reduce his supply, shifting along the Marginal Cost (MC) curve to the minimum point on the ATC curve, at $ 0.22 a pound and an output of 5,000 pounds a month. Although individual firm’s output reduces as prices

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Leadership question 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Leadership question 4 - Essay Example My code of leadership is focused on respecting other people according to their rank in the organization. One of my greatest weaknesses is inability to keep time; however, I am planning to make strict schedules that I will adhere to in order to keep time in attending duties and appointments. My code of behavior concentrates on handling people politely, pleasantly, and with consideration; this involves patiently listening to people’s problems and solving them in the best way possible. Other areas of focus of office etiquette include honesty, loyalty, cooperation, diplomacy, judgment, and accuracy. Knowledge, skills, and experience are the major determinants of worker productivity. I intend to ensure acquisition of relevant academic and professional qualifications and experience that will enable me to achieve exceptional performance. I also need the skills that can enable me perform my duties with the highest standards of accuracy. The organization cannot thrive well in the context where there is no discipline. I have designed programs that are aimed at training people to obey rules and other codes of behavior. I believe it is difficult for people to obey the rules of the organization without discipline. I plan to have an effective disciplinary system for correcting disobediences when they arise. I have the knowledge and skills concerning the theoretical aspects of leadership. I have studied several courses about leadership and diplomacy, which have enabled me to identify ways of leading people effectively. Although I believe in trait theories of leadership, contingency proponents usually make sense to me; this is because contingency theories focus on specific variables related to the environment in determining the most suitable style of leadership for that context (Kets and Korotov 23). I believe in change when it comes to handling people with individual differences. Democratic style of leadership is the best for

Propose a solution to a problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Propose a solution to a problem - Essay Example According to a report by the Pew Hispanic Center, 57% of the persons entering America illegally as at 2004 were contributed by Mexico. Southern American nations accounted for 24% of the immigrants, Asia9%, Europe combined with Canada accounted for 6% the rest of the world including Africa accounted for 3%. In this paper I will be taking a broader look of the whole immigration problem and proposing a solution for the government. The immigration law in the US has been and continues to be at the stage of heated political debates for decades now. Policy makers have to struggle with balancing between maintaining competitiveness globally through the tapping of top of foreign talents and curbing illegal immigration through beefing up the security of our national borders. Policy discussions are now focusing streamlining the process through which visa applications are made and addressing the problem posed by millions of persons already living in America illegally majority of which are youth being brought in by the parents. The focus is also directed at the implementation of effective local policies that do not jeopardize public trust in the government especially within the communities of immigrants. Such efforts positively signal a step in the direction of implementing a lasting and workable solution the current ever growing problem of illegal immigration (Lee, 2013). However, the enactment of comprehensive law reforms to address the whole issue of illegal immigration into the United States at the level of Federal Government has been at a standstill during the past few years forcing President Obama to take the approach of enforcement- based policies for curbing the issue in his first term of tenure. At the same time, restrictive laws by some states such as Arizona’s SB 1070 highlight the uncertainties that exist between states and the federal government in terms of authority over policies to address immigration problems. But following

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Inernationalization of UK Businesses in Brazilian Market Essay

Inernationalization of UK Businesses in Brazilian Market - Essay Example As the discussion highlights  many companies adopt different strategies in order to grow in the Brazilian market and to successfully achieve the goal of improved bottom line. Brazil is a country which cannot be avoided to do business because of the huge market size. Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world, and it is one of the most populous countries, as well. It has high GDP and legal system, which encourages international companies to tap this market. However, not every company can be successful in the Brazilian market. Size of the country market does not guarantee success in that market. There are many factors, which play a role in the success and failure of international companies. Among such factors, culture has a crucial role. Not only in Brazil but also in every country, culture plays a vital role for success and failure of international companies.  This study stresses that  globalization is growing becoming an integral part of the business in the business world . It has changed the competitive landscape for doing business in local and international markets as a matter of fact that competitive pressures arise not only from local players but also from the international players. On the other hand, in contrast to the pace of globalization, the success rate of businesses in the international market remains under constant challenges.  It is practically a sin for business operating in today’s competitive landscape if it ignores internationalization of business.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Wollstonecrafts Feminism Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wollstonecrafts Feminism - Thesis Example She argues that since woman is the other half of mankind, she should be accorded her basic rights like what the man has. She questions the happiness of the woman when she is under patriarchal subjugation. (Wollstonecraft 13). However, there are problems implementing a fixed doctrine of women's rights. These rights vary with different cultures. A universal doctrine of rights cannot apply when the applicants live under different social conditions and sustain their cultural views. For example, the Western and Eastern societies nurture differing specific cultural and social values. The political leaders defend their right to adapt human rights as in accordance to their country's specifications and refuse to implement a universal set of human rights. Thus, there are two camps of thought with the Universalist and relativist. The next question is how trustworthy is the male dominated hierarchy to implement the rights of women when the male sex are viewed as prejudiced law makers by virtue o f their gender. In the Third World, the forced attempt at drawing up the constituency of human rights using Western principles of universality is met with criticism. Instead of helping, these acts are viewed as colonialism. The superimposition of Western cultural and social values backfires. (Schech & Haggis 172). Wollstonecraft says that women should be educated to become fit companions for men and good mothers. She says that everything stems from the mother; 'If children are to be educated to understand the true principle of patriotism, their mother must be a patriot; and the love of mankind, from which an orderly train of virtues spring, can only be produced by considering the moral and civil interest of mankind; but the education and situation of woman, at present, shuts her out from such investigations.' (Wollstonecraft 12). It is foreseeable that each successive generation depends upon the mother and she should receive sufficient education as a woman to carry out her duties as a mother befittingly. On cultural relativism, Wollstonecraft mentioned that French women have changed in spite of the positive input of education. The women have been conditioned to expose their sexuality and scorn the moral value of modesty. They have adopted the attitude of flouting their sexuality and deriding other women who do not share their value as being prudes. The French women are subject to social conditioning and have assimilated the superimposed values as their own. These French women are being 'educated' to turn against themselves without their realizing it. They do not realize what is happening to them because they have no basic foundations of education and thus are unable to discern what is moral or immoral. (Wollstonecraft 12). Wollstonecraft used this example to warn against the impending social risk of English women suffering the same fate as their French counterparts. Taylor says that; 'In an interesting side-swipe at enlightened ethical relativism, in 1795 Wollstonecraft condemned th ose 'semi-philosophers' who, using examples from 'nations just emerging from barbarism', had attempted to show 'that the vices of one

Monday, September 23, 2019

Group Decision-making Techniques Recommended to Lieutenant Coleman J Case Study - 1

Group Decision-making Techniques Recommended to Lieutenant Coleman J. Karras - Case Study Example Brainstorming would be the perfect way to get things started for Mr. Karras with his group as he doesn’t have much idea about his new graphic arts department. It would be better if he complies strictly with Osborn’s method of brainstorming in an orthodox fashion.   Withholding criticism, combining and improving ideas, welcoming unusual ideas and focusing on quantity will be the most effective four principles that can be incorporated into this task. The situation demands to work in a group where Mr. Karras doesn’t have much idea about the bureau and what works and what doesn’t, therefore the only way for him to have a say is without anyone criticizing to his ideas on the spot because when that happens, it stops the flow of new ideas, bad ideas can be sifted out later on. And it is always a good plan to merge raw ideas and make them converge to form one big idea. As far as welcoming unusual ideas are concerned, that is much needed as much is expected of Mr. Karras if he wants to live up to his reputation. This bureau is a laughing stock for the police department and a lot of work needs to be done towards improvement, therefore without some unusual ideas that are both efficient and feasible, setting things right will take a lot of time and that can damage the name of Mr. Karras. Focusing on quantity will deliver quick measurable results. Mr. Karras just need to make sure that reviewing of group ideas should discard t he bad suggestions. The results will be achieved better by brainstorming than using any other group decision-making technique like the Nominal Group Technique and Delphi Technique as both require some form of expert reasoning in the initial stages and Mr. Karras is quite new to this department. Brainstorming will help get the graphics art bureau back on track. It is the fastest method to innovate something in an old department that had been abandoned due to lack of appropriate management techniques.  Ã‚  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Studying for a Degree Essay Example for Free

Studying for a Degree Essay The above report is based on research and analysis produced by the Office of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The report comments on the advantages to the UK economy from people with a degree in terms of tax income and reduced unemployment. The report arranges an objective argument in from a number of authoratitive reports and sources, on whether higher education is a contributing to factor economic growth and whether it should receive support and investment. According to the report male graduates can expect to earn $208000 more than people without a degree. The benefits to the states are $95000 in tax income and reduced unemployment. The critic of the report Professor Allison Wolf does not think the OECD’s analysis and findings are inaccurate. She believes anything extra a graduate earns is not directly attributed to having a degree and therefore should not be subsidised by the government. Studying for a Degree: UK versus USA. Both the Kingdom and United States boast a pool of universities which are world renowned and among the best in the world. This is a brief summary of studying the benefits and disadvantages of studying at both .Tuition costs are significantly higher in the USA compared to the UK, on average the highest fees charged are $12000 in the UK compared with $50000 in the USA. However the UK offer student loans systems which is only paid back once graduates are earning  £21,000 or more, and many universities in the USA provide high levels of means tested financial support (Guardian, 2011) which student do not have to pay back, in an attempt by US universities to attract international talent. Course length also varies, UK degree courses are mainly taught over three years where as courses in the USA last 4 and even 5 years, increasing the cost of studying in the USA. (Word Count 323).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cognitive behavioural therapy treatment for severe depression

Cognitive behavioural therapy treatment for severe depression The essay starts with a short definition of the term depression and continues with an abstract about the main basics of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for the treatment of depression. The focus is on CBT as it is practised according to Aaron Beck. Due to the shortness of the essay I decided to focus on Beck, rather than on the behavioural approach of Albert Ellis, although Ellis contributed a lot to CBT as it is practised today. Beck is especially useful for the theme of the essay because the treatment of depression was a lifelong focus in his therapeutic work. Most authors refer to him rather than Ellis. In the third part of the essay I want to discuss the benefits and limitations of CBT as a treatment for depression, comparing it with some ideas and strategies of Family Therapy and Hypnotherapy. What is Depression? The terms Depression and being depressed are very common and frequently used. We use them in every day life to express that we are unhappy, in a low mood, disappointed or feel a lack of energy. It seems as though every human being gets to know feelings of depression during his life time and it is within the human range of experiences to get through times of deep disheartenment. So, when does Depression becomes a serious disorder and reaches the state of an illness? The boundaries seem to be fluid, but the usual description of feelings, like being sad, anxious or desperate doesnt capture the depressive experience. It is often described as rather an absence of emotions, a total blankness. (Hell, 1992 p.61) Psychiatrists today mainly use the number of symptoms and the length of their appearance for the classification. According to the ICD-10 criteria, diagnosis of a depressive episode requires at least two, out of the following three core symptoms for most of the day, nearly every day, for a minimum of two weeks:  [1]   Low mood (feeling low, unhappy, sad or miserable) Fatigue (feeling tired or having little energy) Anhedonia (lack of interest or enjoyment in things) Whether a depressive episode is classified as mild, moderate or severe depends on the number of associated symptoms: Sleep disturbance Change in appetite and weight Anxiety Poor concentration and irritability Suicidal thoughts Feelings of guilt and worthlessness These symptoms may occur in a one-off episode (a major depressive episode), can recur more than once (a major depressive disorder) or be less severe but more persistent, which is then called dysthymia. The periodic appearance applies to 50% of the cases. (Hell, 2008 p.49) Depression is often associated with other disturbances such as addiction, anxiety, compulsive disorders or eating disorders. (Brunnhuber and Frauenknecht, 2005 p. 148) It can be masked by fatigue, insomnia, a burn out syndrome and can also appear in conjunction with a physical illness. In addition to the clinical definition of depression I would like to mention Dorothy Rowes assessment that people suffering from depression describe themselves as feeling trapped and isolated from the rest of the world. (1994, p.xxi) Not being in contact with others is in my eyes important because it has an major impact on therapy. The number of people being diagnosed with depression is still increasing. It is said that about 15-20% of the population is likely to suffer from a diagnosable depression once during his life time. Women are two to three times more likely to be diagnosed with depression than men. 15% of the people who have been treated in hospital because of depression, later commit suicide. (Brunnhuber and Frauenknecht, 2005 p.147) Despite a great deal of research there is still no evidence of a single cause for depression. Early life experiences, hereditary factors, social risk factors, a chemical disturbance in the brain, all are still said to contribute to the development of a depressive episode. Although I do not intend to address these theories in detail in this essay, the question what causes depression is vitally important to every school of psychotherapy in dealing with the problem. CBT as treatment for depression One reason for NHS to choose CBT as the favoured form of treatment is, that it has been subject to intensive scientific testing for many years and has been found as effective as antidepressant medication and other forms of therapy. (Mulhern et al., 2004 p.185) I dont want to challenge these results in my essay, instead want to understand how CBT works. The CBT explanation of depression derives from the work of Aaron Beck and focuses on the relationship between unhelpful thinking, emotions and behaviour. The proposition is, that negative early life experiences make some people vulnerable to depression, which can be activated later in life by stressful events. Our early experiences decide how we view ourselves, others and the world. The individual develops rules and compensatory assumptions, which have the function to prevent the activation of the negative and painful core beliefs. For example someone who grew up in a family without warmth and approval might have the core belief: Im unlovable. Over the years he might develop a rule, how to get the desired response from others: If I put the needs of others first, then they will love me. Beck called that type the sociotropic personality style, with a greater need to be accepted, placing their self-worth and individual needs after those of others. In contrast autonomous personality types place a greater value on independence and the achievement of individual goals. The autonomous personality may experience depression as a result of failure in achieving goals and external stressors like unemployment, debt, a failed exam etc. The sociotropic style will be vulnerable to depression when interpersonal relationships are threatened or lost. (Mulhern at al, 2004 pp. 184-5) The underlying psychological vulnerability is assessed by using different kinds of questions for detecting the core beliefs and negative automatic thoughts (e.g. Im not good enough). Automatic thoughts are usually outside the conscious attention of a person, but so familiar that they seem to be the ultimate truth. According to Beck it is not a negative event that causes depression, but the interpretation of the event, based on our core beliefs. After detecting the wrong beliefs the client learns to work out for himself, how these thoughts affect his feelings and behaviour. When insight in the mechanism is achieved, the therapist and client work collaboratively to change the dysfunctional thoughts. It is an essential part of the session to clarify the difference between feelings and thoughts. For example the client learns to say I think I am a bad person instead of I feel I am a bad person. CBT therapists have a circular understanding of the relationship between cognition, emotions and behaviour. For example cognitive processes can influence behaviour and feelings, and vice versa, changed behaviour can influence cognitions and feelings. As in other schools of Psychotherapy, warmth, genuineness and empathy are important components of the therapeutic relationship. But cognitive therapy does not use the relationship as the focus of therapy. The aim is to create a therapeutic milieu in which the specific cognitive techniques will be accepted by the client and can be applied most efficiently. (Beck et al, 1997 pp. 45-9) The therapist explains all techniques, how they work and their purpose. Beck uses the picture of two scientists observing the presented problem. Therapist and client are partners in the process of problem-solving. The therapist is directive in the beginning of the process, but the client is supposed to take more and more responsibility for developing his own strategies. Nevertheless there is always a script which leads through the session. The client shall remain emotionally independent from the therapist and the number of sessions is limited. NHS usually pays for 6-20 sessions of CBT, dependent on the severity of the depression. (NCHP, 2009 p.182) Beck himself worked with an average number of 15 sessions over an 11-week period. (Beck et al., 1979 pp. 104-5) The setting of homework is a key stage in CBT, which transfers the learning and changed behaviour into the clients every day life. It also activates the client and may give him first feelings of achieving something. Homework assignments are often presented in the form of behavioural experiments. The activation of the depressed client is one of the most important tasks in CBT. The client is monitoring his activities and rating them as to the pleasure he gets from them. The usual idea of the depressive client of doing and enjoying nothing at all can be altered into a more reasonable view. The patient becomes more sensitized to feelings of satisfaction and thus experience and recalls more pleasurable sensations. (Beck et al., 1979 p.125) The technique of activity scheduling is used to increase step by step the number of activities the client takes part in. Scheduling is also used for breaking down big tasks, which the client feels unable to work on, down into smaller bits and pieces. Rather than ruminating on the cause for the depression, monitoring and later changing thoughts, feelings and behaviour is the goal of therapy. The more objective data shall allow the client to get rid of his self-judgement and feelings of worthlessness. Discussion In the beginning I was really reluctant to write about CBT. It was never very appealing to me and I have no personal experience with it. The books I read seemed to be very schematic and strict, written without empathy and inspiring ideas, a bit too educational and directive. It was the CBT-Weekend at NCHP with Jeannie Bruce, which encouraged me to delve a bit deeper into the subject. Being such an enthusiastic and empathetic therapist, she convinced me that the techniques of CBT are working for people suffering from psychological problems like depression or anxiety. She uses Hypnotherapy as well and I think most CBT-therapists today use additional techniques and borrow from other therapeutic schools. This is probably one of the advantages of CBT today: The openness to integrate with whatever technique is useful for the client. To keep it manageable I want to stay close to the original theories of Aaron Beck about depression, when starting the discussion about the benefits and limitations.  [2]   CBT is not focusing on the cause of depression. The explanation why depression exists is more functional. A kind of protection, when we are in a high-stress environment, like a safety switch or fuse on an electrical circuit environment (Gilbert, 1993 p.33) or evolutionary: Go to the back of the cave and stay there until it is safe again (Gilbert, 1993 p.43) People suffering from depression tend to have a low self-esteem and are very self-critical. The client is supposed to learn, that with his continuous self criticism he is constantly stimulating his natural threat system. Through this permanent stress he is maintaining the depressive state, getting deeper and deeper into exhaustion and inactivity. With that explanation CBT focuses on how the client is maintaining his depression, rather than what causes it. The idea is offered that the individual, who usually feels powerless against the almighty depression, might still have some influence on it. The individual is taking more responsibility for changing his behaviour and thoughts and works his own way out of depression. If you want to bring a change as quickly as possible, this is probably a very straightforward and good approach. As a family therapist Im familiar and mostly agree, with the idea that for initiating a change, it is not necessary to go deeply into the causes of the pronou nced problem. Problems are best solved in the here and now. In Hypnopsychotherapy we use this approach as well. CBT assumes it is the clients thinking that produces his low feelings. Beck even calls it a thinking disorder (1979, p.14) I think this is a very simplistic idea, maybe too simplistic for the complex human psyche. Nevertheless it is true that the way we think can influence our feelings. And it is much easier to change willingly the way we think than the way we feel. Gaining back control will be a big relief. CBT claims, that this is more helpful and longer lasting than the relief a client may get from expressing his feelings. (Beck 1979, p.42) I do have a problem with telling people that what they are thinking and feeling is wrong. It sounds a bit contradictory to explain to someone that his belief that Im not ok, is not o.k. Can that unconsciously consolidate the core belief, Im not ok, despite consciously being trained to say Im a good person? Will stable self-esteem and valuation result from this message? Hypnotherapists believe that core beliefs exist mainly in the subconscious mind and need to be addressed there. Not in simply abandoning them, but in carefully changing them, displacing them step by step with new suggestions. I have more sympathy with an approach that accepts all feelings and thoughts as a part of the individual, and tries to integrate them, rather than declaring them simply wrong. I find CBT techniques helpful in breaking the vicious circle of withdrawal and inactivity, which maintains and even boost the low mood. Withdrawing from people, staying in bed and constantly ruminating would probably also depress a well balanced person. It is difficult to find a way out. With the direct approach to change behaviour CBT can be a useful emergency-tool to escape from the prison of depression. Nearly all experts agree that if client is suffering from a severe depression a therapeutic communication is quite difficult. To improve the mood in the first place is preferable. A CBT session is well structured and follows a fixed script. The script may keep a secure distance between therapist and client. The so called together as scientists approach, signals that the client isnt forced to engage deeply with the therapist. It might be wise not to focus on the therapeutic relationship if the client is deeply withdrawn and distrustful or scared of others. There is another benefit for the therapist. In my experience, working with people who are depressed may easily lead to an atmosphere of emptiness and hopelessness during the session, which could easily infect the therapist as well. If you have a fixed script to follow and concentrate on it, you may be able to avoid being stuck in a problem-trance.  [3]   From a more critical point of view I would like to ask what happens after the case of emergency is accommodated? The individual engages in activity again and is able to follow his everyday chores. Will the change last, if the underlying problems are not addressed? Is a long lasting effect possible without insight? Will the client be able to find more satisfaction in his relationships? There is no answer to the question whether the wrong thinking is really causing the depression or whether it is just the other way round: because the individual is depressed, his thinking is negative and irrational. If you see it as circular not linear, it does not matter from which side you approach the problem and initiate change. But for the individual whos looking for deeper insight into his problem this approach may be unsatisfying. In the view of CBT, depression is an unwanted experience. It causes suffering and therefore is to be eliminated. Other Psychologists were asking: Is there any sense in depression? For example Dorothy Rowe criticizes CBT for ignoring the major questions of life, which deserve to concern us: Why am I here? What is the purpose of life? What happens after death? (1994 p. xviii) The thinking about these questions makes us human beings. It could help the client to talk these through in Psychotherapy.  [4]  An existential fear of death for example, which can appear after an important loss and lead to depression can not simply be rationalised. In my eyes it must be taken seriously and addressed with respect and time. There may also be environmental or social circumstances, which may raise the question, whether it is not reasonable to be depressed and has nothing to do with wrong thinking at all. There is a strong connection between social problems like poverty, unemployment and social exclusion, and the appearance of depression.(Hell, 2008 pp.33-34) Acknowledging that distressing incidences can legitimately cause depression doesnt stop us from looking for solutions. I also have an objection to the way CBT deals with ambivalence. People are complex and able to think, feel and believe two opposite things at one and the same time. For example: Im a talented person and Im a failure. CBT is labelling the negative thinking as wrong and simply tries to eliminate it with changed cognitions, reality testing and training. As a future Hypnotherapist I know that the unconscious mind has many possibilities to store something away, and it might come up with the next challenge or disappointment again. It makes sense for me to address the negative thoughts directly in the unconscious state, rather than with rational techniques. Addressing the unconscious mind can be helpful, especially if we talk about the type of depression which seems to arise out of the nowhere, without an obvious cause. The unconscious mind might give us some answers about unfulfilled needs, hidden wishes and former painful experiences which may contribute to the state in which we are now. Schmidt points out, that it is often the attempt to eliminate ambivalences that leads into depression. The black and white thinking of the depressive individual may cause the trouble. (2004, p.284) Isnt the good and wrong labelling of thoughts and behaviour in CBT supporting this categorical thinking? Im a bit suspicious about the success rate in CBT, because depressed people are often described as being adaptive and well-behaving. (Linares and Campo, 2003 pp. 14-5) The moderate depressed client might follow the instructions and homework assignments willingly, holding back other feelings of anger and resistance. He is more likely to show guilt in case of a relapse and usually blames himself for it. While reading the CBT manuals for depression I sometimes think: That sounds like good parenting to me. For example, scheduling the day with your depressed client, advising him in detail how to start the day, brushing teeth, take a shower, have some breakfast, go to work. Depression is also described as a kind of regression and maybe CBT meets the need of a client to have a good and caring parent in therapy, as compensation for neglect in childhood.  [5]  This can heal a wound, but can also provoke being a good child again, pleasing others, adjusting to the tasks. Without question it depends on the quality of the therapist to recognize and address this. Another thing could be missed if the depressed client is characterized solely as someone with low self-esteem and a negative self-perception. This part of the personality shows up first and is presented quickly. In my eyes it is only one side of the coin. Unipolar depression occurs often later in life, when we realize that we didnt live up to our expectations and we see no solution for that. It is a time when we may have to say goodbye to dreams, fantasies and wishes which helped us to survive as a child and young person. I would always carefully explore whether there are hidden feelings of self-aggrandisement. Between the two poles of devaluation and delusions of grandeur the individual may oscillate. In that case depression could make sense to him as a reason for retaining his delusions of grandeur, and even as an excuse for why he is not able to live up to his (unreasonable) expectations. Depression may also protect us from making further decisions and taking full responsibility f or how we live. It could also simply be a break, for getting some rest and protecting the individual from his own excessive demands. It can transfer information about legitimate and so far neglected needs. (Schmidt, 2004 p.283-285) If depression is a kind of protection, the question should not be how to get rid of it as quickly as possible, but how to protect oneself in different ways, which causes less suffering. Another interesting idea I would carefully explore as a therapist is, whether the client has a problem with regulating closeness and distance. Depression can be a tool in keeping at a distance from other people. It can be a form of withdrawal into ones inner self, if we do not feel allowed to leave an unbearable situation, or to express our needs. Family therapy is looking for the sense in showing yourself depressed in connection with our environment. The assumption is that all human behaviour makes sense and all behaviour is communication. Because it is impossible not to communicate, even a behaviour which consists of withdrawal and bleak silence (how the depressive person is often presenting himself ) is communication. It is a message to the people around and provokes reactions. Depression arises in our relationships. It is not a process inside the individual, but a symptom in the communication between two or more people. Although it appears to be dysfunctional there is an underlyi ng intention for the behaviour. Eliminating the depressive symptoms as quickly as possible could be overhasty, if you dont respect their meaning and function first. The development of other strategies and an improvement in communication would be the prior goals. I find this approach helpful, when the depressed person is living in a constant relationship and obviously the depression interferes with the partner or the whole family.  [6]   Depression is a very complex psychological problem and I hope I was able to show a variety of reasonable approaches and theories which are all based on practical therapeutic experiences and research. Probably no two depressions are the same and every case needs to be explored carefully. As it is such a complex theme, it is a loss that the NHS, mainly for economic reasons, decided to promote CBT as the only treatment of choice. One suits all, that is wishful thinking. There are much more helpful and interesting strategies which would be worth a try. One client may want a quick fix only, another may want to explore the underlying causes and a third may respond to hypnosis rather than to rational approaches. At this moment, we are far from having found the one and only treatment for depression. Working with depressed people is probably one of the biggest challenges as a therapist. If we have in mind the high number of recurrent depressions it might be more economic to pay once for an individualised therapy than for the short term and relatively cheap CBT, as a treatment for all. Words: 3804